Earthly Movements for Bodies Eternal presents a selection of animated and new media works that connect bodies and movement to the natural environment. Films from David Gumbs, Valentina Homem, Thanut Rujitanont, and Ezra Wube employ varied animation and new techniques (real-time sound, paint on glass, drawing on paper, and stop-motion animation/paint on canvas, respectively). Gumbs’ new media works La marche de la liberté and Water & Dreams are embodied exercises in sound and technology; Homem’s The Girl and the Pot slowly unfolds into a hopeful ecological tale; Rujitanont’s Rose Rash enigmatically considers human life; Wube’s The Anthropocene Comedy is a deceptively vibrant interpolation of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. The program guides us from our terrestrial beginnings, through moments of ecstasy and movement, to our collective Anthropocenic failures, and to the possibilities of otherworlds.
Please note: Earthly Movements for Bodies Eternal contains abstracted scenes of birth.
Presented in English, Portuguese, and French with English subtitles.